Summertime 2022 Galleri Christoffer Egelund

Summertime’22 – The Annual Group Show 18th Edition

Galleri Christoffer Egelund invites you to the celebration of the Summertime’22 Friday, June 24 from 16.00 – 19.00. Most of the artists will be present during the opening reception, we serve cold drinks and our house DJ will play sweet summer vibes. The exhibition will run until August 27.

We are proud to present the 18th edition of our Summer Show, featuring a variety of artists who are in a substantial way shaping the current art scene.

The exhibition shows a remarkable selection of paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, reliefs and textile art, leaving the viewer amazed and curious to discover how the international art scene has evolved since last year.

Diversity is the overall concept of the show. Summertime‘22 illuminates the broad array of media and styles that is the ever-changing face of contemporary art.